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Dentistry from the Heart

Posted on May 16th, 2017

Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry®’s Bolivia branch was pleased to provide another Dentistry from the Heart event on May 5th, making it their 6th year in a row to give back to their community. Drs. Aaron Wilharm, Darren Harrington, Matt Miller, Greg Hohl, Mark Dobransky, and Cecilia Liu were able to perform free extractions, fillings, or cleanings on a first-come, first-served basis.

The 7 dentists and 80 volunteers treated over 200 patients, providing $57,000 in free dental services to the community. There were people that camped out overnight, and folks in line as early as 4am. “There are certain clinics in Wilmington that they can go to, but sometimes people don’t qualify for that; they really have nowhere else to go, and no money to have dental services. Infections in the mouth are very dangerous, so we feel fortunate we’re able to help a lot of people.”

Novant Health was also in attendance to give free health screenings. It was noted by Jackie Pappas, Community Relations Director, that “each year support from the business community for this event grows, as does the line of patients in the wee hours of the night before the event.”

Recipients of care included a mother of 5 children, who conveyed gratitude when saying the event is tremendously helpful for their family, and that it’s rare to find anything for free in our world today. Building relationships and giving back to our community with events like Dentistry from the Heart fills us with pride and helps us share another free service with our neighbors – smiles.

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